Thursday, March 5, 2009

Interstellar U-Haul

Today is moving day!!! Actually, it's not so exciting. I was thinking yesterday I only had a handful of ships to move. Some Frigs, a couple Battlecruisers, and a Destroyer. In reality I've discovered I a few ships I had forgotten about because they've been parked in systems I've long since ventured out of. I only have this Badger above to perform the move, and even repackaged most of my ships are way to large to fit into the cargo hold of this ship. So, I'll be flying most of them to our new home manually.

Speaking of the new home, I'll be moving out to Josekorn today to start flying with my good pal Xo, as well as my little brother Recon. They both have been out in that area of space for a week or so. It'll take me the better part of today to get everything moved. I'm not even sure I'll get it all done today. Oh well, here we go....

*requests undocking permission*