Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blip On The Scanner

Apocrypha is upon us! I've really been looking forward to the expansion, and kudos to CCP for giving us a great expansion. I was absolutely stoked to delve into the new probing system once Apocrypha was released.

After spending an evening with it I finally got my first 100% return. The scanner window revealed it was an Unknown, Unstable hit - so right away I knew it was a Wormhole from the information I'd been reading on the forums. Despite knowing, I was full of excitement, recalled my probes (absolutely love this ability - thank you CCP!), and initiated a warp to 10k within the Scanner return.

I grabbed a few screens of the different hits I was able to pin down last night. Enjoy. I'm loving the new probing system! I know you're probably wondering if I went through them. I was too afraid of what was on the other side. Most of my Corp-mates that were online at the time were also trying out the new explo-probing, so I didn't try to organize a fleet to go exploring on the other side. But soon, very soon, we'll be burning through to the other side of the Looking Glass :)

My first successful hit on a hidden object! Yes, I was giddy.

And thar she be! My first wormhole Discovery!

This was the second wormhole discovery of the night.

As a general note, if you're trying out the new probing system, and having difficulty just keep at it. You will eventually figure it out. At first the new system is intimidating (of course I'd never probed under the former system either so that might be why). With a little patience it can be done though! If I can do this anyone can.


  1. It's been a frustrating induction into combat probing via my alt, especially after a friend managed to acquire 100% results in a fifth of the time it took me in similar circumstances. It is nice to be able to strike out at those once untouchable mission runners though!

  2. Hellz ya, Sard! I haven't trained high enough to use combat probes yet, but I can imagine it's got to be slightly more difficult then just probing for wormholes. I haven't done this in awhile. I hit it hard when Apocrypha went live, but after the first couple weeks I started ramping up my "pew-pewage". Which, of course, has led me into the wonderful world of yarr-age.
