Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Phoenix's Redemption

A Phoenix Rises

I have a thing for the Phoenix. I've named all my ships after it. The latest being my Rohk - "Phoenix Redemption". Yes, Vasavia has finally stepped aboard her new Rohk. It's seen very limited action thus far. Partly because I'm so terrified of loosing her either in pvp, or due to my own stupidity (like what happened to my Drake over the weekend). The Rohk has been through one lvl 4 mission, and I used her to run down an anomaly I picked up on over the weekend. Both went very well in the Rohk. Big thanks to my corpy, WarAngel, for the cap and shield boosting he helped provide during the missioning. Here's some screens of my Rohk's first test run - taken from where I picked her up back to my home station.

Initiating her first warp

Pretty Blue Twinklies

And off into the great unknown!