Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rifta Powa! + Indecisiveness = Pleasure???

Yes, I love the Rifter. Vasavia trained Minmatar Frigates specifically so she could fly them. Wensley has a very nice "combat guide" on the Rifter, as well as some very good posts about his combat experiences in this versatile ship. If you're a fellow Rifter fan definitely check it out at I wish I'd found it sooner.

Now, granted, I'm not much of a pvper at all right now. Matter of fact, of the three pvp experiences I have thus far, two of them end up with Vasavia going on a pod cruise back to a station to fit a new ship. The other one I managed to warp out. It was clear the thief I engaged was going to smear Vasavia gorgeous ass all over the asteroid belt we were fighting in. Only one of these experiences was in a Rifter, and it died at a gate camp. 5 on 1 are not goods odds in any ship (that I'm aware of) so don't go blaming our beloved Rifter for this failure.

As I've mentioned before (at least I believe I have in previous posts) I'd really like to get into pvp. I don't feel I have the support skills necessary to be successful at though. I'm working on them now. I've heard the statement many times that even a young player can be invaluable in group pvp as a tackler. I don't just want to tackle though, I want to bring more "umph" to the firing range, so to speak.

I have not really decided whether I want to commit Vasavia to a life of piracy, or whether her pvp experience will be through faction warfare. There's a couple reasons for this:

  1. True Piracy leads to isolation - The cold hard fact of New Eden is individuals committed to a life of piracy will eventually be isolated to low-sec or null sec space. Their security status will get to the point it's too dangerous to enter empire. At least that's how I understand things - I am a newbie so there is a chance I'm over exaggerating this, but not on purpose I can assure you. I'm very intrigued by a life of Yarr, and even more so by the tales of solo Yarring I've read on various pirate blogs.
  2. Faction Warfare & Role Playing - For role playing reasons, I'm not sure whether I'd like to see Vasavia get into faction warfare just yet. I've been toying with the idea of Vasavia alienating herself from the only faction she's ever known, ever loved, ever bled for. I've been toying with the idea of Vasavia, having been wronged, defecting to another Faction. Part of the reason is I have friends that play for other Factions (jerks!), and those factions also happen to have a low standing with the Caldari state. The other reason...I just like the idea. Cliche though it is.

So, I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with regard to PvP. Perhaps I should commit Piracy thru Faction Warfare! Almost two full months into an MMO and I still don't know what direction my character is going to go. It's so immensely refreshing to have this indecisiveness about a character! In every other MMO I've played, I always new where my character was heading - it was always defined by career/profession selections made at character creation.

In EVE though, despite the fact that Vasavia emerged as a Caldari Spec Ops trooper in the Military I can make her a successful miner running goods for the Minmatar and Gallante states if I decide to. The freedom that EVE offers, even though this is truly a very simple example, is so refreshing - this is what makes EVE so intriguing for me. You can be whatever you want in New Eden - even after character creation.

Indecisiveness FTW!

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