Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Module Active - Wall of Text crits you...

Let me start off by saying I am new at this wonderful world of blogging. I've always been one with a lot to say, but generally, I have a difficult time finding the words I'd like to use to transmit my thoughts.

I'm also new to the world of EVE, and actually EVE is what lead my to blogging. Many of the blogs listed in the "Blogs I'm Following" list are what inspired me to not only give EVE a try (for the second time), but also to start logging my experiences in New Eden.

I tried EVE Online once before, back in 2006...or was it 2007. Whatever. On my first venture into the brave new world that is New Eden I was intrigued, I was amazed, I was excited, I was more lost then I'd ever been in any MMO I'd ever tried. In hindsight, I know part of the problem was I'd rushed through the new player tutorial. I've never been one to sit through a tutorial the way game developers intend for new players. I'd always preferred to go boldly marching into the unknown. In times past, this worked for me. Sure, I stumbled along, but wasn't that part of the fun? To me it was. EVE, EVE she was an entirely different beast...

After rushing through the tutorial I found myself floating in space. I panned the camera around...What the hell am I supposed to do now? Wait how did Aura tell me to navigate??? Actually, no wait on that, how the hell did she tell me to find a mission agent to start with????
You get the point, I was totally lost on the game's basic, fundamental workings. To make a long story short (probably too late for that, sorry), I did fumble my way around New Eden in my shiny new newbie ship. I stuck with it for about a week. I then gave up all hope. I went back to WoW.

Fast forward to 2009, January to be exact. I'd been following MMO news and goings on for sometime through various websites. In particular, Massively was a regular stop in my daily Internet traveling. Massively has always had extensive EVE coverage, and starting in the fall of 2008 I found myself reading more and more of their articles on EVE. As is no news to anyone currently playing EVE, there's been a lot going on lately. Corp heists, bank heists, player tournaments, new expansion news, and the downfall of one of EVE's biggest alliances. None of these I'm going to go into detail about because, well, there's already great articles on the subjects around the player blogs and EVE news websites.

As I started reading more and more of these articles on EVE I became more and more interested in the game. Not because I wanted to try and accomplish the same feats as above, but just because I was intrigued by them. I read more about the world of New Eden, and found myself more interested in the game. I decided to give it a second try. I went to the EVE website, and signed up for a trial account, downloaded the client, and installed.

I created Vasavia, logged in, and told myself "This time you WILL take your time with the tutorial". And so I did. As I progressed I noticed things that I missed the first time around, were suddenly "clicking" in my skull. "Eureka"! I finished the tutorial, and ventured of into New Eden. I was intrigued, I was amazed, I was excited all over again. It was all falling into place this time! I ran some missions for the agent Aura sent me to. No problem. I found a new agent to work for. No problem. "Holy shit it's making sense!" I giggled like a school-girl as I poked along in space in my new shiny newbie ship.

Vasavia has been carving her path into the world of New Eden for almost 2 months (I think, I've been having so much fun I've actually lost track of how old she is). She's managed to get herself into situations she's had no business being in, and lost a frigate and a cruiser due to risky salvaging escapades. But that's just life in New Eden.

This blog, like so many other player blogs, will be used to log Vasavia's journey. It will be used for general ramblings, sometimes in character, sometimes out of character. I've never really been much into role play, but I think I'm going to give it a try with Vasavia. We'll see how that goes. I'll do my best to begin my posts in a way so that readers know whether I'm in-character, or out. Furthermore, be warned. I'm a complete newbie in New Eden. So, I'm sure I'm going to spout shit that just doesn't make sense about EVE, both in-character, and out of character. So, I'll just ask for your patience and understanding now.

With all the above being said, I hope you venture back to follow Vasavia as she develops. I hope you enjoy the adventure as much as I do.

Let us venture forth, into the brave new world of New Eden. Safe flying all.

*Module Active*


  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere Vasavia!!!!

  2. Haha Thanks Xo. This is also partly your fault.

  3. Dude! I had no idea! Your blog pimpage was teh suq! Consider yourself fed to my reader, and blogrolled. :P

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Oh, how glad I am to have another skilled writer in the corporation. Awesome intro, looking forward to the next posts!
